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sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2008

BILD.de is searching a kissing-partner for Bill

BILD is searching a kissing-partner for Bill

Who makes him completely happy?
He is young, successful, famous - and Bill Kaulitz (19) still has no girlfriend. He is the singer of Tokio Hotel, and he has so much fans.
But everything is worse: Bill hasn't kissed anybody since 3 years now. The reason is: "I'm not such a lovelance", he said in the youth magazine "Bravo". "That totally makes me sad."
Thousands of girls are waiting outside, and they would do anything to kiss the superstar. But "poor" Bill is devastated: "I am now 19 and i really miss it. I'd really like to have a girlfriend, with whom I can share my life."
BILD.de wants to solve Bill's kiss-problem and searches a kissing-partner for him.
Send your application with a photo, a video or a letter in which you explain why are you the right girlfriend for him.

source: http://www.bild.de/BILD/unterhaltung/leute/2008/09/26/bill-kaulitz/bild-de-sucht-ihm-eine-knutsch-freundin.html

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

yo me encargo O.O