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domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2008

Double Timo: Once Bill, Ever Bill

Double Timo: Once Bill, Ever Bill

Ex-Tokio hotel Double-Timo (21) is desperate:
He gets the image no longer going
Double Timo: Once Bill, ever Bill

Munich - New nose, lips and aufgespritzte a taut forehead: Four years ago, appealed
to Timo Barth (21) from Gauting the first time in beauty surgeon Werner Mang
under the knife.

The result: With black hair and delicate facial features, he suddenly looked like Bill
Kaulitz of Tokyo Hotel. The advantage, and he made a double career. Timo now
wants nothing more with the singer to do, but his image he did not get going -
but will make even humiliated on TV!

There should be a new start in life: Timo has his hair dyed blond and has been
recently at a renowned Munich Model Agency under contract. A life in New York -
that is his big dream. This could now crumble. Because: As a guest at the talk
show by Oliver Geissenpeter he was publicly humiliated! "I have just joined to
the new Timo to present. That was also previously with the editors denied,
"complains the 21-year-olds. Together we went through all the questions, Timo
presented itself on matching answers. But then everything was quite different: "I
was announced with a clip of me only as Bill Doubles presented." The questions
of the Masters talk about "beauty ideals" attracted purely on its operations and
his life as a double from.

But that's not all: Another talk show host, a roughly 50-year-olds who undress for
Playboy wants to live on it went off, presented him as a madman out. Timo was
not prepared for such verbal attacks, came to stumble. "I bloßzustellen, which
was planned long hand!", Is the 21-year-old safe. Because: After the program
had the 50-year-olds completely dissolved when he apologized. "She was
apparently predicted what they told me everything should throw his head," says
Timo. He is after the incident ready. In the hotel arrived, he let his tears run free.

From the consignment rausschneiden he can not, unfortunately, they will be on
30 September broadcast: "We had previously signed a contract that the talk
show may be sent."

Timos Conclusion: "I'm under a false pretext been lured into the studio. From now
on I will never again for an RTL broadcast available."

RTL spokeswoman Anke Eickmeyer puts the accusations. "Timo Barth knew what
issue it was. There are no questions previously denied. There was no one spurred
him to attack. To that extent we can not understand what the Timo Oliver
Geissenpeter talkshow accused."

source: http://www.tz-online.de/de/aktuelles/bayern/artikel_47563.html

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

would you mind to put it please?



$~^^:-sonia-:^^~$ dijo...

joder!komo ese se paresca a bill i yo soi la ermana gemela version mini!!!!¬¬
diossss!!koantas perras enxas a perder!!!si esq komo mi billno ai nadie !!!*.*

chao wapas!

Anónimo dijo...
