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martes, 6 de enero de 2009

Evous.fr - 2009, a challenge's year

2009, a challenge's year

Just as in 2008, the 2009 promisses to be a rich year for Tokio Hotel. After Schrei and Zimmer 483, the German band will release their thirth album this year and if you keep a little misteirous about it, you wiull find some clues at the DVD "Caught on Camra", released in December 2008. The band decided to extend the free of their success. the members of the band have been opened to all kinds of music, passing through Hip Hop dance to Pop and they give the impression that they will be doing that in some typical Tokio Hotel way. They also will get some colaborations. Bill says that he wants to hear his voice mixed with the voice of someone else and that they are opened to work with some other people. Themes talked later, the band already said that, if they wanted to choose a name for the album, it would probably be "Reset", to start from the beggining...

Tokio Hotel already know what challenge this will be, now that they are extend their popularity outside of Europe and they want to show some more maturity. The failure wouldn't be well accepted y the band, although some people say that they will be forgotten with the time. To give more chances to have a big success the album will be released in two versions: one in German and other one in English.


1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

miaa ^^