Os avisamos que esta noche, alrededor de las 21:30h-22:00h procederemos a cerrar el blog durante un par de horas por operaciones de mantenimiento. Estamos teniendo algunos problemitas con el blog y lo más conveniente es que durante unas horas esté cerrado públicamente de modo que podamos trabajar para solucionar los problemas y así tenerlo todo listo para comenzar el tour y todo lo que éstos conlleva: fotos, vídeos, noticias...
Así que no os preocupeis si veis que esta noche no podeis ver el blog o si os dice que necesitais permiso de administradoras para visualizarlo. Intentaremos ponerlo en línea y solucionar los problemas lo antes posible esta noche. Gracias por vuestra atención y paciencia.
We warn you that this night, about 21:30h-22:00h we will proceed to close the blog during a couple of hours for operations of maintenance. We are having some little problems with the blog and the most suitable thing is that for some hours it is closed publicly so that we could work for solving the problems and this way to have it all ready to begin the tour and everything what these it carries: pics, videos, news...
So don't worry if you see that this night you can't see the blog or if it says to you that you need permission of administratrices to visualize it. We will try to put it online and to solve the problems as soon as possible this night. Thank you for your attention and patience.
So don't worry if you see that this night you can't see the blog or if it says to you that you need permission of administratrices to visualize it. We will try to put it online and to solve the problems as soon as possible this night. Thank you for your attention and patience.
Die Jumbies
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