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miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

Luna Teen nº 52/10 (Argentina)

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(click en los scans para leer la entrevista en español)
translation in english:
Alone with Tokio Hotel

Previously to their show in Chile in front of more than 7.000 people, Luna Teen was able to talk with the 4 members of Tokio Hotel inside the Sheraton Hotel in Santiago, To be honest, Georg and Gustav, bassist and drummer respectively, didn't said to much; the Kaulitz twins took the lead instead. The day they arrived there was a Little earthquake that made them a quite uneasy but, when we explains to them that this was something usual in this latitudes, they calm down and chatted distend. Bill, tall and skinny, full of necklaces and a pair of heels that dizzy us because of their height. Tom looks like he came out of an Eminem video. Georg, from Bon Jovi's band, and Gustav could well be the drummer of a metal band with his skull tattoos and neatly cut hair.

So different in their looks, is surprising to see them together, laughing at private jokes and understanding each other with a glance. Their personalities are as different as their looks but that's how Tokio Hotel is, this band that's already a decade old even though their band members are between 20 and 23 years old. Veterans of world stages, they are still surprised in front of their fans admiration, that transcends the language barrier and follow them wherever they go. This time was Chile's turn, Argentina will be set for the next visit (or at least that's what they would like).

Luna Teen - Finally you've arrived to Latin America. How was the tour?
Bill: We had big expectations with this tour long ago, we really wanted to come and we finally could. So far, everything was perfect, better than expected, there was no problem, people received us really well. Even in the airport there were a lot of fans waiting for us.
Tom: We brought the same tour we did in Europe, and a great bassist. (says jokingly referring to Gustav I think they meant georg)

Luna Teen - You're very involved in all the production process of the show. Why is that?
Bill: We're very obsessive and perfectionists and we don't have much confidence in anybody else than us! No, really, we're perfectionists but is hard for us to lead the responsibility to others and also we like to be part of the process and be on everything.

Luna Teen - What do you do 5 minutes before going on stage?
Bill: We activate our Power Rangers superpowers, that we all have, but in general we're very nervous before going out.
Tom: Georg goes to the toilet!

Luna Teen - Bill, Tom, how is the relationship of you two outside the band?
Bill: We're not just brothers, we're identical twins, we have a very special relationship, we spend 24 hours a day together, we share everything, it's something automatic, we get along really well, we are more than friends.
Tom: We have never been separated more than 4 or 5 days.

Luna Teen - How do you conciliate 4 different personalities?
Tom: We're completely different, besides the band we have very little in common but we've been working together for 10 years, we get along really well, we grew up together.
Gustav: We're a band but we all have different tastes.
Bill: We're like 4 brothers, we grew up together, since very little, we've been together a lifetime.

Luna Teen - Is there a particular song you like the most?
Bill: Many, is really hard to choose one, we have a special connection with each song, each one connects in a special way with the songs and, also, they respond to different emotional moments and have their own history.

Luna Teen - Being the 4 of you so different, is there songs that are left out because not everyone likes it?
Tom: Yes, many are left out.
Bill: When we get in the studio, we spend a lot of time recording.
Georg: We record a lot of songs in a year and maybe the last ones make it to the album.
Bill: Although, they're not always the best.

Luna Teen - The Best of… It's about to come out. Is their going to be any surprise?
Bill: There are 2 new tracks, one that we recorded long ago, before I change my voice, so the difference is going to notice a lot, it's only recorded in German and the other one, it's a 2009 track that it’s only in English. They are 2 very different songs.

Luna Teen - What do you think is the reason of your success, of having such a solid career?
Tom: We're better than most!
Bill: We found each other, there wasn't somebody that put us together, we grew up together and found our own sound, we started playing and things came out naturally.
Georg: It was a natural process, since very little, I think that gave us a very strong identity.

Luna Teen - What difference you found between your European fans and the Latin ones?
Bill: Fans in here are happier to see us that in other places, maybe is because they don't see us very often. They are more use to it in Europe.
Tom: Here they are really intense! We like women with such a strong personality.

Luna Teen - What was the craziest thing that happened with your fans?
Gustav: A lot of stuffs, to many stories.
Bill: In Spain, when we finished playing, we came down the stage and we run to a fun that we never knew how she managed to get backstage. We think she climbed the walls. I don't know.
Tom: And again, Georg found 4 naked girls in his hotel room!
Georg: We've been through a thousand of stories, impossible to tell them all.

Luna Teen - What are your plans for next year?
Tom: Many.
Bill: We're always playing, rehearsing, writing songs but we can't assure that we'll release a new album in 2011.
Tom: But is going to be a year full of surprises that we can't tell yet.

Luna Teen - Bill, why do you have such an extravagant look?
Bill: I like fashion a lot, its fun for me, I'm very spontaneous, every morning I choose what I'm going to wear according to how I feel, I love to travel with a lot of clotheses to choose and change.

Luna Teen - Who's the one that takes the longest to get dress?
Everybody: Tom!
Tom: Georg and Gustav also work a lot on their style and nobody ask them! Well, if you want to call this a style... (Jokes pointing Gustav)
Bill: We don't agree on a look, each one has its own and nobody tells the other what should wear.

Luna Teen - Do you have any lucky charm or something you can't forget when you arrived to a country to play a concert?
Bill: Yes, I have a locket with my mom and Tom's picture and I always wear it. If I don't have it, everybody gets worried, they think something might go wrong. I also have a little box full of memories and little things that I always carry with me. There is where the important things are.
Scans & Translation by noe77 @ THA

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